At Sunday Masses at both St Jude’s and St Aidan’s churches children are invited to attend our “Little Churches”
The Children’s Liturgy is a way of making God’s Word, through the readings of the day, relevant to the children’s lives. At Mass, God’s Word speaks to all of us. By taking the children aside, into the sacristy, we can relate His Word in ways they can understand. This can take various forms.
We read a children’s version of the Gospel and/or other readings for a particular Sunday, and we might read a story that highlights the Gospel message. Some of us mime or ‘act out’ the Gospel to bring alive its message. We might also find songs relevant to the theme, and this usually makes the session more enjoyable!
The children play an active part and we ask them to think of examples in their own lives that show they understand and are living their lives in a way that is pleasing to God.
Please be aware: All parents will be asked and are required to sign a consent form for their child in order to comply with safeguarding and GDPR regulations, as CCTV is present in both Churches.